
Scalar and Vector Projections: Formulas and Diagrams

The dot product is used in both the scalar and vector projections of one vector onto another.

Watch on YouTube - Video notes - Video sections playlist - Vectors and the Geometry of Space playlist

In this video I go over a quick review of the formulas for the scalar and vector projections of one vector onto another, as well as showing their visual representations. The scalar projection of a vector onto another vector is the magnitude of the projection and is visually seen as the adjacent side of a triangle. The vector projection is just the scalar projection multiplied by the unit vector along the vector being projected on. And as derived in my earlier video, the projects involve the dot product of the two vectors.


  • Question 7: Scalar and Vector Projections: 0:00

  • Solution: Formulas: 0:08

  • Visual representation: 0:55

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