MES Livestream 28: Searching for Planes on 9/11
March 16, 2024 TODAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT
Join me as I investigate the 4 alleged plane crashes on 9/11. I also go over Morgan Reynolds' and John Lear's legal challenges against NIST for their cartoon plane physics report.
March 16, 2024 TODAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT
DISCLAIMER: Regardless of what the objects in the air on 9/11 were, we will refer to them as planes to avoid being flagged by YouTube's "Hate Speech" guidelines.
YouTube does not allow "Hate Speech" against "victims of a major violent event and their family members" and "also do not allow content that denies that a well-documented, violent event took place."
Stream notes and playlist: Stream notes and links - MES Livestreams (Playlist)
MES Links:
✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️
You live in a time where your perception is being managed.
Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily.
9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.
9/11 The Plane / No Plane debate settled.
Most probably the best distraction of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001
Where did the planes go on 9/11
The FBI and NTSB have no records to prove that plane wreckage was found
The Plane Physics on 9/11
The planes DID NOT bring down the towers